Positive Behavioural Management


Positive Behavioural Management: Enrol on this coursec and learn how to optimise the classroom environment to support learning through well-defined routines and processes with top tips and techniques from leading experts. Create a vibrant, visually stimulating learning environment for your pupils!



Positive Behavioural Management: The aim of this course is to offer a list of positive skills and strategies for teachers to optimise the classroom environment to support learning and positive behaviour. This online EPV course is designed to equip teachers with the essential knowledge, skills, and strategies required to effectively teach. In accordance with Curriculum aims of SPHE, this course strives to foster the development, health and well-being of the child.

Key Course Highlights:

  1. All course themes were chosen to deliver the principles, ideas and insights that effective classroom managers use on a daily basis in accordance with Departmentโ€™s SPHE programme, DES Wellbeing Policy and the DES Cineรกltas:Action Plan on Bullying.
  2. Providing participants with the knowledge, insights, and skills necessary to execute successful classroom management techniques, derived from research findings emphasized in the Primary Curriculum.
  3. Detailing positive approaches for handling challenging or inappropriate behaviours exhibited by pupils
  4. ย Empowering participants to evaluate and design the physical layout of the classroom to encourage favourable behaviours and mitigate potential triggers for inappropriate conduct.
  5. ย Equipping participants with a range of effective tools and methods for immediate application in the classroom, fostering an environment devoid of bullying and promoting the celebration of individual differences.

Book this course today to enhance the management of children’s challenging behaviour using proactive and positive intervention strategies. Learn to create a stimulating, and inviting educational space for your pupils.